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Ice was a grade 8 + at least 6" thick... . No bad cracks to sink a blade into. I sailed alone! Only people I saw were the 4 Squam batters!
It blew so hard in the afternoon, it was hard getting back upwind with a gimpy right wrist. The runs were just over a nautical mile long. The hummocks were so far apart it was easy to pick a line between them.  It was a great day, wish I had some company!

Ice was a grade 8 + at least 6" thick... . No bad cracks to sink a blade into. I sailed alone! Only people I saw were the 4 Squam batters!
It blew so hard in the afternoon, it was hard getting back upwind with a gimpy right wrist. The runs were just over a nautical mile long. The hummocks were so far apart it was easy to pick a line between them.  It was a great day, wish I had some company!

Ice was a grade 8 + at least 6" thick... . No bad cracks to sink a blade into. I sailed alone! Only people I saw were the 4 Squam batters!
It blew so hard in the afternoon, it was hard getting back upwind with a gimpy right wrist. The runs were just over a nautical mile long. The hummocks were so far apart it was easy to pick a line between them.  It was a great day, wish I had some company!