
After intensive testing we are very pleased to announce the official approval of the Gyro1 for all categories on

The Gyro1has been develeoped by Raymond Wortel and we want to thank him for all his efforts and dedication in the last year. We also want to thank Manfred Fuchs for all his efforts, with his advice the Gyro1 transformed in one of the most accurate GPS Devices for our speedsurfing-sports ever !!!

The Gyro1 is based on the ublox 8 chipset with the required binary sentences (instead of NMEA) including speed-error measures as requested, . The chipset is the best affordable at the moment and 18Hz without missing points is more than enough (10Hz might be sufficient). Due to the speed-errors (sort of SDoP-values, similar to what GT31 (1Hz) and GW52 (5Hz) record) the integrity of the Doppler-data can be verified and the units can even be used for record attempts (two units would be required though).

For more information and/or pre-orders please check out


GP3S Crew

It's great the Gyro 1 is now approved. Could you adjust the drop down menu so it can be selected as the posting GPS device. Also can you fix the uploader to accept the ubx files, it wont allow them to upload. They are also very big at 18mb so some allowance to the time out protocol when loading may need to be made.

I get the following server error when uploading a track.


502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.

There is a problem with the page you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. When the Web server (while acting as a gateway or proxy) contacted the upstream content server, it received an invalid response from the content server.

This will be done asap, in the meantime please use GPS-Results for uploading .UBX files. Please notice when you use the latest firmware you can select the frequency sample , so you can keep then filesize a bit lower. 

Sadly preorder is still not available :(

Hi Tomislav,

GP3S is not involved in the pre-order or production for this product , please send your request to info (a)

GP3S Crew

Just wondering if the uploading error has been sorted yet. For some reason GPSResults wont upload the file and neither will the upload function on GPSSS.

Hi Keith, don't know what is going wrong, but just posted several sessions with the Gyro1 with GPS Results (for Mac) without any problem. Because of the filesize it will take longer than normal. The webuploader and Gyro1 in the devicelist will be release in the next build (next two weeks) 

Tried the webuploader and got this error: 

502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.

There is a problem with the page you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. When the Web server (while acting as a gateway or proxy) contacted the upstream content server, it received an invalid response from the content server.


When I use GPSResults from a PC Ver. 6.148 I get this error: Error during data transmission, no internet connect.


Thanks for looking into it,



"When I use GPSResults from a PC Ver. 6.148 I get this error: Error during data transmission! no internet connection?"


Am getting the same message on my older XP PC.

After updating GPSResults and X86 files all works fine on Win7 and even Vista machine

Have sent info to Manfred for a response

Strangely the same file uploads successfully to Ice and Kite GPSS sites but not windsurf GPSS ?!