
Detail information event

Event name2021 Estonian Ice King
Start DateFriday, January 1, 2021
End DateThursday, April 1, 2021
Event contactinfoJüri Kaldoja
Event sponsorJüri Kaldoja

Event description and NOR

We want to continue the Estonian Ice King competition.

Event description and_NoR 2021

It is time to announce the annual Estonian ice King 2021. This is the first year for this event, which runs from January to 31March 2021.

Speed shall be measured by the "Average of the 5 Fastest Ten Second Runs". The speed measurement can be taken by anyone on any ice in the territory of Estonia. The Estonian Ice King follows the rules set out by the GPS Speedsurfing. It is also recognized by the Estonian Windsurfing Association.

This event is designed for ice-sailors of all skill levels, from beginners to the most experienced.

The official GPS unit of the Estonian Ice King is Coros, Motion, Gyro1 and GT-31, GW-52, GW-60 by LOCOSYS Technology .

Please visit our Web Site for complete information, and in due course the EWA speedsurf website

This Event runs on a completely flexible schedule over a 3 month period. You decide when you want to race. The Windguru Weather forecasts are quite accurate up to 5 days in advance. Find a windy day this fits your schedule. See our "Rules" and "Equipment" pages for more information.

We also want to thank the web GPS Speedsurfing for their ongoing Technical Support and for hosting the Results Page of this Event.

We look forward to seeing you on the Estonian Ice in 2021.



organizer of the Estonian speedboat race


Jüri Kaldoja (  )

Event update messages

Event subscribers
1Andre Tampõld54.61
2Jakub Salek49.17
3Koit Teder43.12
4Raivo Saarm41.58
5Tonis Salong39.1
6Meelis Rang36.14
7Eleri Birk32.54